The Steps of Buying Real Estate

Let’s talk about buying real estate…

buying a house, getting yourself someplace to live, investing in real estate…these things are all the same.

I am speaking directly to my lovely ladies out here who have good jobs, have secure finances, and know they want to stop renting and put their time, energy and money towards a house that they own. You know you want to buy a house, now what?

What is the next step? Is it finding a realtor? Is it going to open houses? Is it getting a mortgage? And if it is, how do you go about doing those things?

In this article I will break it down for you, step by step. The way I do in my online course.

Step 1. Decide you want to buy, that now is the time.

Here are some questions to help you decide

-Are you ready to invest in something other than a stock or a mutual fund?

-Are you ready to be the owner of your own house, with all the responsibilities?

-Are you ready for your money to start working instead of leaving it in the bank?

-Do you see yourself owning property?

Step 2. Get ready for some serious self reflection

It's time to sit down and really reflect, as yourself these questions

-What type of person do I want to be? What qualities and traits does my future self have?

-What type of lifestyle do I want to live in the future? What type of lifestyle do I want to live now and every year?

-Where do I want to live in the future? Where do I want to live now?

-How do I make money? Actively by working or passively by earning money on your investments or both, or another way…

-Am I ready to step up and be the woman you want to be now?

-Am I ready to take on the responsibility of buying and owning your own home?

-Am I looking forward to the journey?

Step 3. Finding a Realtor you love.

This is a super important step so don't skip it or go with your parents family friend. Your realtor is your partner in this journey, they are your leader, educator and guide. They must be good at what they do, communicate well, and be super local in the market you want to buy in.

There are a number of ways to find the real estate professionals for you

Search on social media #sanfranciscorealestate

Ask friends who have bought in the area you want to buy in if they liked their realtor

Go to some open houses in the neighborhoods you like  and see if you like the realtor there

Once you find her then it is time to get started with the first time buyer meeting and the process begins.

Step 4. Getting your financing in order.

For many people this means getting a mortgage. For others it means talking with their financial advisor, and others simply getting their cash ready.

A mortgage is a loan to buy a house. You put a certain percentage of your own money down and the bank finances the rest of the loan, you pay them back over time. Your monthly mortgage payments include the principle which is the actual loan amount and interest, the price of borrowing money. Interest depends on many factors such as the federal reserve, your credit score and history, and income.

Your realtor will have super local lenders she works with. She will give you some referrals. If you have a relationship with a bank, talk to them as well, relationship pricing is real. Again, don't use your parents family friend, use someone local and reputable.

You must know how much you can and want to afford before you start looking at property.

Step 5. The property search.

You will first go to a bunch of open houses in different neighborhoods to narrow down locations. Once that is narrowed down it's time to focus on the neighborhoods you selected to find a property.

The next steps from here are very market specific depending on where you are buying…

Since I am a realtor In the San Francisco real estate market that's what I will be talking about. But the same things go for other markets as well.

Step 6. Writing an offer

This is the moment when you have decided that you like this house the best after all the properties you have seen, because at this point you have seen a lot in a short time.

-It's time to visit the property twice.

-We look over the disclosure package. This is a package the seller prepares for every interested buyer, it is all the behind the scenes documents like inspection reports, yes or no questions about the property, title reports, HOA documents…the list goes on

-After we review that together its time to look at comparable sales, what has been selling in the area in the last 6 months. Numbers do not lie.

Realtor and client have serious discussions during the contemplation period. Every realtor is different but the purpose is to come to a strategy to fill out the purchase agreement.

You fill it out and your offer gets accepted. 

This period is arguably the most intense step for buyers and agents. A lot of research, education and information goes into this step and it's often done in a matter of days.

Step 7. The escrow period.

The period of time between acceptance of a contract to closing. Funds are being transferred from your lender, documents are being signed, deeds are being recorded, preparations are being made.

The escrow company handles this time period.

Step 8. The home is yours.

Show appreciation to your realtor and your lender. They worked hard for you. Give them a bottle of champagne, take them to dinner, write them a card.

There is really no excuse of not knowing how to get started. I have laid it all out here for you and in my online course which includes 10 videos, journal prompts and downloadable pdfs of all the notes.

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