Property Taxes Explained
Property taxes have been used to fund government functions for a long time. These government functions can include local and community services, schools, infrastructure and other projects. The amount of property taxes you owe can vary from location to location, but it’s generally based on the property’s value. The properties value is determined when there is
1. A sale
2. Major updates or renovations to the property
3. Whenever the government feels like it
Property taxes are a type of “ad valorem” tax, which means they’re based on the assessed value of real property.
In San Francisco they run fiscally in San Francisco, so from July to July.
Secured property taxes are calculated based on real property's assessed value as determined annually by the Office of the Assessor-Recorder. The secured property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2022-23 is 1.17973782% (For more information visit
Property taxes are also assessed when there is a sale of a property, the assessors office is a bit slow to re asses but rest assured they will send you a new bill called the supplemental tax bill. The new owner will receive this 6-8 months after their sale. The supplemental bill should be issued by mail to as well, but you can check and pay via portal
See below for payment calendar